I'm very excited! We just got word that there will be a Middle Kingdom Heraldic and Scribal Symposium this year at Mounted War Games over Labor Day weekend.
I adore going to Known World Heraldic and Scribal. It's one of the few events where I want to take every single class and I never have enough time to see everyone and learn all the things. It's my hope that we can recreate the experience for the Midrealm.
So, we're going to need a lot of teachers! I know we have many capable heralds in this Kingdom, but it's really difficult to know what to teach. So I'm going to spitball some class ideas out here, and if you'd like to teach it, please go ahead!
A Walking Tour of Voice Heraldry
This class would be best at an event where there are many martial activities going on. The class would meet at a location, and then walk over and observe each martial activity while the teacher talks about what a herald can do to serve that group. It would be best if there was a tournament going on with a Tourney Herald serving the list, so that the class could observe a herald in action.
Documenting an IAP
We all know how difficult it is to get all the parts needed to document an Individually Attested Pattern! This class would go over what is needed to document an IAP, and how you can best present your case for the heralds in OSCAR.
Mock Pre-Court Meeting
This would ideally involve a co-teaching team of the instructor and a former Royal who would pair up to show the students what a pre-court meeting is like. Bonus points for including fake scrolls for the "Royal" to sign while they are also trying to get dressed and meet with the herald.
Heraldic Wills and Permissions to Conflict
Ok, I already teach this one. But it's a good one! This class goes over the subject of what happens to your registrations after you pass away, and how you can leave someone else in charge of them when that happens, and WHY you would want to. It also covers Blanket Permissions to Conflict, which we want to encourage every person to file.
Managing the Dais
A how-to class on how to be an effective stage manager for multiple heralds on the dais. It's more than just taking turns!
Heraldic Dress and Accoutrements
This class would cover what to do with your heraldry after it's registered. It's more that just putting your device on a dress or a favor. Might also cover badges and what they are for and when to use them. Class should include the concepts of strewn charges and livery as well.
Heraldic Achievement Make and Take
Come and work up your own personal heraldic achievement. The class teacher would ideally come with pre-printed elements that people can use to put together their heraldic achievement. Perhaps by tracing from a lightbox, or cut and paste? Teacher would need to be familiar with the achievement display customs of the Midrealm.
To Speak Foresoothly
Adding variation and fancy language to your vocal pronouncements. Would cover the opening of court, different ways to summon people to the Crown in court, etc.
I hope this short list gives you a bit of inspiration for classes that you might teach. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at MKHSS!